Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Court dates and porn.

Court dates: lately i have had WAY too many of those.

recently my parents decided to tell me that they know all about them, and will be attending when they can.


(suspended drivers license for unpaid ticket, and got caught shoplifting, two separate days but the court dates are all happening around the same time)


when i was 11 i was in an art show, because i was freaking good for an 11 year old. (I'm still pretty artsy but i lost my taste for drawing when i discovered music, then lost my taste for music when i discovered paint, lost my taste for painting when i got three jobs, etc)

My dad never ONCE came to any of my shows.

he showed up every couple hours to set up or take down the displays,

but he didn't sit with me.

he took my brothers to do "boy stuff" (they were 9 at the time) and left me with my mom or grandparents.

now he swears he's gonna take time off work to go to all my court dates.


I'm a little bitter about this.

am i wrong?

i mean he can't take a day off work to come see my art show, but he requests time off so that he can just add to the shame and embarrassment of my court date??

i think that just sucks.

but hey, I'm really overly bitter about family stuff. even i know that.

PORN: again, lately i have been way too into it, probably because i got a new vibrator and laptop.

that's really all i have to say about that one.


but seriously.

i can orgasm 8 times in 10 minutes.

why waste that kind of skill?

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